We’re just hours away from the release of Daaku Maharaaj, starring Nandamuri Balakrishna. Although the advance bookings started later than usual, the film has still managed to create a buzz and is expected to close its opening day pre-sales around ₹10 crores. With these numbers and other factors in play, Daaku Maharaaj is set for a strong start at the Indian box office. Read on for a detailed prediction! See “Sankranthiki Vasthunam North America Box Office: Less Than 12 Crores Needed to Break Even, Will It Make It?”
Directed by Bobby Kolli, Daaku Maharaaj marks the first-time collaboration between him and Balakrishna. Bobby’s previous film, Waltair Veerayya, was a hit, earning good numbers at the box office, especially after competing with Balakrishna’s Veera Simha Reddy. This has raised expectations for their first joint venture.
While the song “Dabidi Dibidi” turned into a meme sensation, the film’s teaser and trailer have been well received, generating excitement among fans. Known for his larger-than-life roles, Balakrishna’s Daaku Maharaaj promises to be another action-packed, masala entertainer, which is sure to please his fans.
Despite Game Changer still running in theaters, Daaku Maharaaj is expected to secure a strong screen count, thanks to Balakrishna’s star power. The film’s Sunday release and normal ticket pricing should also help draw in a larger family audience, increasing footfall through both advance and over-the-counter ticket sales.
Considering all these factors, Daaku Maharaaj is projected to earn ₹17-20 crore net on its opening day at the Indian box office. This would make it Balakrishna’s third-best opener, surpassing Bhagavanth Kesari’s ₹17 crore. However, it may fall short of Akhanda’s ₹21.20 crore opening.
Nandamuri Balakrishna’s Top 3 Openers:
- Veera Simha Reddy – ₹34 crore
- Akhanda – ₹21.20 crore
- Bhagavanth Kesari – ₹17 crore