It’s been 17 years since Bollywood turned a reel couple into a real one. Before they officially got engaged, Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan achieved massive success with Guru. The film, released on January 12, 2007, not only became a hit but also set a unique box office record. See Captain America: Brave New World Box Office Prediction: Expected to Open Close to The Winter Soldier’s Numbers
Guru, directed by Mani Ratnam, was the first major release of 2007 and quickly became a success. In fact, it remained the only profitable year-opening Hindi film until 2019.
Guru’s Box Office Success
Made on a budget of 22 crore, Guru earned 45 crore at the box office, making a profit of 23 crore. This meant a return on investment of 104.55%. The film became the most profitable year-opening release for over a decade, holding this record for 12 years.
A 12-Year-Old Record Broken
Abhishek and Aishwarya’s Guru held the box office record for 12 years until Vicky Kaushal’s Uri: The Surgical Strike broke it in 2019. Uri, released on January 11, 2019, earned a staggering 244.06 crore, far surpassing Guru’s earnings.
Made on a budget of 25 crore, Uri earned a profit of 219 crore, giving it an incredible return on investment of 876.24%. While Guru held the box office record for 12 years, Uri now holds the title, and it may be a long time before another film surpasses it.